By Sean Moran

Lobot was born and raised on Bespin. Having an affinity for parsing data, he became employed by the Empire for battlefield calculations. To ensure his position, the newly hired Lobot installed an AJ^6 cyborg construct which added mechanical precision to his human intuition. Typically, this implant exacts a cost in its host’s personality, but Lobot appeared to bypass this hindrance. He further pushed the limits of AJ^6 to run constantly, even while he was not at work. His efficient data-crunching and seemingly tireless work ethic placed Lobot on the imperial promotion fast track.

After an unfortunate circumstance on his homeworld of Bespin, Lobot was offered the opportunity of a lifetime, Baron Administrator of Cloud City. To prepare for his sensitive role, the Empire fitted him with a cortical datasplint as a security measure. This additional implant partitioned sensitive imperial data to a portion of his brain that couldn’t be regularly accessed. Unsure of his ability as leader, Lobot further installed a Psicom 1260 interface and SoroSuub 221 cyber-interface to even further enhance his thinking power.

Completely unknown to the human Lobot, stretching the software and hardware limits of his interfaces with the cortical datasplint intact caused a separate droid consciousness to emerge within his hardware. There was now Lobot the human functioning as the Empire’s servant as he always had, and Lobot the droid who functioned only in the human’s subconscious or while the human slept.

Installed as Baron Administrator of Cloud City, Lobot the human saw unprecedented productivity in Cloud City’s mining operations. Unbeknownst to him, Lobot the droid’s battlefield calculations discovered an uncomfortable truth: The Galactic Empire was going to lose the war with the Rebel Alliance. Using Lobot the human’s body during its sleep cycles, Lobot the droid went into a self-preservation mode and began exploring ways to survive. Uncovering the former Baron Administrator’s illicit operations, Lobot the droid used Lando Calrissian’s underground network to aid the rebels, while his human counterpart provided the perfect inculpable cover to these activities.

Boosted by his unprecedented adaptation to implants and the dynamic gas mining operation, Lobot the human continued to install further intelligence and memory augmentors. By the time the Galactic Concordance was signed to end the war, you could barely see Lobot’s original head under all the hardware attached to it. It was at this point that the droid made itself known to the human. Flooding the human’s brain with the knowledge they amassed over all this time, the droid and the human merged into one. The new singular Lobot decided to leave Cloud City, and forge their own path in this new galaxy.

Sean Moran is an editor, co-writer, and hype man for Meldar16. Together, they release ttrpg games, and content for their Atera Redux campaign setting. Sean always takes the yellow lightsaber when playing Knights of the Old Republic 2.

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Half Baron Administrator, Half Machine: All Party Animal


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